Watch Kriegsspiel
There is a growing number of video content covering Kriegsspiel games, the history and theory of Kriegsspiel, wargaming and wargame design and insightful popularized coverage of military history. We want to point you to some hotspots. So grab yourself some popcorn, turn off the lights and enjoy.
Kriegsspiel at the International Kriegsspiel Society
A video primer explaining how to play Kriegsspiel with the International Kriegsspiel Society.
Live streamed Open Saturday games from player or umpire perspective on the IKS YouTube.
Massive D-Day play-by-post game at the company level with 99 players! Watch lead umpire Carter McNish resolve it.
A new way to play: Interactive Kriegsspiel Videos!

Interactive Kriegsspiel videos
Would you ever have expected to play an Interactive Kriegsspiel on YouTube, simply by watching a video and make a decision at the end? Now you can!
Grand Gettysburg 2021
The biggest civilian live Kriegsspiel ever run online. Grand Gettysburg was fought by 34 players in August 2021.
Dave Pumphouse took part in the Grand Gettysburg as a division commander in the Army of the Potomac.
Jan at Let’s Play History commanded the Army of the Potomac in this alternate history scenario.
More Grandeur
Dave Pumphouse assisted Carter McNish umpiring the Grand Antietam live game and provides us a look at the umpire table.
Dave also played and later assisted in Carter’s Chancellorsville Campaign run as a play-by-post game.
Friends of the International Kriegsspiel Society
Alex from Storm Of Steel Wargaming gives his impressions on a game hosted by Andy Crow.
Dave Pumphouse gives us his view of some Open Saturday games here at the IKS. Don’t miss those.
Dave has also hosted his very own Siege of Colchester game, taking place during the English Civil War.
And guess what, Dave has also played in Hethwill’s battle of Mincio River Kriegsspiel.
Jan at Let’s Play History is streaming games from umpire and player perspective. Some of his videos are in German.
Jim Oczarwski running a Jena-Auerstädt campaign using the Vol de l’Aigle (Flight of the Eagle) system.
Running Kriegsspiel frequently, Jim did also run an 1809 Thunder on the Danube campaign using the same system.
Kriegsspiel being played on TV? Well, Channel 4 did it. This is the battle of Naseby. Recognize young Philip Sabin?
Angela Rippon hosted three episodes of Game of War back in 1997 with the final Kriegsspiel being the battle of Waterloo.
The history and theory of Kriegsspiel
Sönke Marahrens talks about the Prussian Kriegsspiel at the Georgetown University Wargaming Society.
Sönke Marahrens speaks about dice and combat resolution in Kriegsspiel at the Krulak Center.
Lindy Beige talking about the Western Approaches Tactical Unit in World War Two. Does it get any more “realistic”?
The popular military history channel Invicta takes a look at the history of Kriegsspiel from the very beginning.
Firepowergaming is chatting with Andy Crow about Kriegsspiel, how it is run and played.
Alex at Storm of Steel is reflecting about how Kriegsspiel works and what makes it so special.
Command Post Games explains Reisswitz 1824
Command Post Games explains how Reisswitz’s original 1824 Kriegsspiel dice work.
Marshall Barrington explains how to read and apply the outcomes of Reisswitz’s dice quickly.
Connections Online 2021 hosted by the Armchair Dragoons provides insightful presentations on wargaming.
Connections Online 2022 hosted by the Armchair Dragoons focussed on practitioned wargaming.
The Georgetown University Wargaming Society‘s webinar series is a must watch for any wargamer.
The same is true for the Krulak Center’s #BruteCast on various contemporary military wargaming topics.
With elements of Kriegsspiel involved, megagames are another interesting type of wargame.
George Phillies’ lectures on wargame design are a classic to consider for every aspiring wargame designer.
Newest videos

QGIS for Kriegspiel mapmaking
Mimolette is one of our members, interested in creating maps and a great fan of QGIS software. He presents us a course in the form of a series of videos that goes straight to the point, using only free sofwares, assets and data. The goal is that each viewer ends up with a map of his tactical battle of choice to play on.

Kriegsspiel with the Women’s Wargaming Network
The International Kriegsspiel Society hosted a dedicated introductory game for members of the Women’s Wargaming Network. What a great experience.

Kriegsspiel at the International Wargaming Symposium in Lima
Kriegsspiel was present at the International Wargaming Symposium in Lima.

Coffee, kegs & Kriegsspiel: Asymmetric Scenarios
In this episode of Coffee, Kegs & Kriegsspiel we talk about asymmetric Kriegsspiel scenarios and how to create them.

Revisiting Bohemian Incursion
Last Saturday, we came back to “Bohemian Incursion” an interesting scenario set in the Seven Years’ War for our Open Saturday game.

Interactive Kriegsspiel videos
Would you ever have expected to play an Interactive Kriegsspiel on YouTube, simply by watching a video and make a decision at the end? Now you can!
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