
No Kriegsspiel without a map

Explore our sources for maps below. 

These websites have maps that are suitable for use in Kriegsspiel. 

Some maps are suitable as they are, others need work to be made usable. Information on how to prepare and scale your maps will be made available in another section. 

For now, browse and find something you like. Once finished, please see our section on “Making My Map” to learn what steps you must take to print your map for face-to-face play, or import your map for online play. 

These processes are different, but we will walk you through both. 

Maps are divided by general categories.

Military Map (A fun tool for planning military operations).

Old Maps Online (An Amazing resource with maps from all over the world, across time.)

The Red Atlas (A collection of Soviet Maps from around the world.)

WWII Topographic Maps (A collection of thousands of second world war maps.)

Hawaiian Islands

Iwo Jima (WWII)

Solomon Islands (Solomon Islands, United States Hydrographic Office)

General Europe

Arcanum (A massive, comprehensive collection, this is our primary source for Napoleonic and other period maps. This may be the only source most people will need.)

Atlas de L’Histoire du Consulat et de L’Empire (Historic French Atlas, black-and-white. Several campaign-scale (regional) maps of Europe and other locations can be found in this book. Images may be small, and difficult to work with if precision is required for your purposes. Otherwise, the maps are suitable for tracking large formations on campaign. )


Arcanum(Belgium in 1777)


Karelia (c. 1938)

Great Britain

England and Wales 1842.1952 (National Library of Scotland)

Bayern Atlas (An atlas covering Bavaria.)

Southwestern Germany Early 19th century (Charte von Schwaben Bohnenberger)


Eastern Holland (WWII era maps of eastern Holland, from the United States Library of Congress. 5 images in the sequence).



Ordinance Maps of Scotland, 1747-early 20th Century (Military maps of Scotland, also some from the western front of WWI.)


Swiss Geoportal


Canada (Open Access database of military survey maps. Visual viewer and free download.)


United States of America

David Rumsey Collection (Mostly Civil War maps, and other related infographics.)

The Library of Congress, Civil War Maps (The first several pages of this collection are books and atlases, which are also viewable. You may have to use the page navigation to get to images of maps alone.)

United States Geological Survey (A map of the United States, with options for various, modern layers.)

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