Master Umpire Academy
Our mission
Our mission is to preserve Kriegsspiel, to make it accessible to enthusiasts, hobbyists and practitioners, to provide extensive resources to study and play Kriegsspiel, and to contribute to the development of new Kriegsspiel systems.
In order to reach these goals, we encourage every person interested to learn more about and play Kriegsspiel to join the community, no matter their experience level, social, educational, or religious background, age, or gender.
To ensure the quality of official IKS games and to enable our members to host and run their own Kriegsspiel games, the IKS offers the Master Umpire Academy, a peer assessment program.
Who wants to become a Master Umpire needs to apply for the Master Umpire Academy to undergo following program: 1) Prove experience as player and ideally umpire of Kriegsspiel games, 2) Elect one of our Master Umpires as sponsor to guide and support you througout the evaluation process, 3) prepare and run a Kriegsspiel following the Master Umpire Evaluation Criteria below, and 4) be elected by the majority of Master Umpires after .
We encourage applications from candidates from diverse and under-represented backgrounds.
The Master Umpire Academy is free of dues and fees.
Master Umpire Evaluation Criteria
- The Master Umpire Candidate has to provide a system of play (ruleset) for the examination game.
- The Master Umpire Candidate has to develop a scenario with briefings for each side.
- The Master Umpire Candidate has to provide a complete module with map, pieces, any other materials required for Tabletop Simulator to be used by umpires and players.
- The examination game has to contain at least 6 players, and the Master Umpire Candidate has to provide them with instructions for how to operate. (How should orders be given, etc.)
- The examination game has to contain at least 3 umpires, including the Master Umpire Candidate who has to provide the other umpires with instructions for how to operate. (How much time to allow for reports and player orders, etc.)
- The turn cadence during the examination game should be under 30 minutes at maximum, with the goal to stay under 20 minutes per turn.
- The scenario of the examination game should run to a clear conclusion (a likely winner/loser) after multiple turns.
- The Master Umpire Candidate should demonstrate the ability to improvise and resolve problems by applying a reasonable and effective mechanic during the examination game.
- The scenario of the examination game should require less than 30 minutes to set up and begin the first turn.
- The scenario of the examination game should run for 2 to 8 hours and resolve completely in that timeframe.
- The Master Umpire Candidate has to provide a post-battle critique for each player and umpire (debriefing).
- The Master Umpire Candidate has to write an After Action Report of the experience including lessons learned from the examination game.
- The experience of the examination game should be smooth for all or most participants involved, free of unnecessary conflict and hardship. (Think also, attitude and demeanor, demonstrate objectivity.)
- Your sponsor should advocate and vouch for you throughout the process.
Map drawing, arrangement and photograph by Robert Mastrud.
Join our Discord server and become part of a growing community of over 2,800 members from all around the globe.
Get in touch either on Discord or via e-mail, leave us some feedback or suggestions or ask us anything about Kriegsspiel.
The IKS is commited to ensure inclusiveness and diversity within the community and stands against discrimination and harassment.
We endorse the Derby House Principles.