After Action Reports

Read the stories

Many of our members write short to extensive after action reports providing their perspective on how they experienced a specific Kriegsspiel as a player. These often provide entertaining and flavorful narratives and are a treat to read. Enjoy!

A screenshot from Tabletop Simulator with a 3D map, regimental pieces and batteries, some red and blue lines drawn on the map.

Gettysburg Corps action #4

Remember when we did Grand Gettysburg back in August 2021? The biggest civilian online live Kriegsspiel run so far, with 34 players and about 50 participants

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A screenshot from Tabletop Simulator with a 3D map, regimental pieces and batteries, some red and blue lines drawn on the map.

Gettysburg Corps action #3

Remember when we did Grand Gettysburg back in August 2021? The biggest civilian online live Kriegsspiel run so far, with 34 players and about 50 participants

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A screenshot from Tabletop Simulator with a 3D map, regimental pieces and batteries, some red and blue lines drawn on the map.

Gettysburg Corps action #2

Remember when we did Grand Gettysburg back in August 2021? The biggest civilian online live Kriegsspiel run so far, with 34 players and about 50 participants

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"We were a turn late and a dice roll short of a heroic victory.”
community member

Kriegsspiel on a historical map hand colored and photographed by Ernest Stewart.

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The IKS is commited to ensure inclusiveness and diversity within the community and stands against discrimination and harassment.

We endorse the Derby House Principles.

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