The Town Crier August 2022


Oh Ye! Oh Ye! Here I be, your humble Town Crier. Enticing, Engaging and Entertaining your eyes, ears and occasionally nostrils to the wonderous, whimsical and wierd comings and goings of your very own International Kriegsspiel Society.

IKS Campaign Announcements

Ottovski’s March on the Rhine Campaign begins with a live battle on the 13th August. More details to follow.

Carter’s Massive D-Day Campaign is in full swing and currently on its 11:30 time turn. Will those US Marines throw out those German Weinersnitzels for a Traditional Hot Dog, or will the British Banger be at the top of the table at the end of the day!

James’s Chickamauga Campaign is going nicely with the players having to draw their own maps, crazy!

Zeke’s Monmouth Campaign has only just started, can the Rebels pour cold water on British tea!

Jeb’s Halo Campaign is tough going with fighting close in the streets of New Mombasa, even the buildings are attacking the players!

Marshall’s Red vs Blue Perpetual Campaign starts again soon. This time it’s 1806, just like 1805, but with no pistols being allowed in tents this time!

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