Modules for Tabletop Simulator

Our modules are available for free

At the International Kriegsspiel Society we are mostly playing online using the Tabletop Simulator for player and umpire tables, be it for live games or play by post games. The Tabletop Simulator is a commercial software available via Steam. It basically is what is says: a virtual table to play board and miniature games with over the internet.

Even though there are multiple DLCs for board games being sold, the Steam workshop for Tabletop Simulator has a ton of free downloadable modules for board and miniature games of all types. This is also true for our modules. All our modules with maps, game pieces and dice are available for free. Once you have subscribed to them on Steam you can simply open them in Tabletop Simulator by clicking on “Workshop” and loading the respective module.

A screenshot of the overview of workshop modules in Tabletop Simulator.

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